Spee D

The Brief

With some spare time and a keen appetite to work with Isaac’s illustrations again we put together a short script promoting a fictional online grocery store. A simple premise not dissimilar to what you might expect for something in your neighbourhood today.

The goal was simple - get some extra character and 3d practice building something creative between jobs. We wanted to see what we could learn animating without a hard deadline defining the techniques used. After roughly two years of online chats it was also a great opportunity to work with Yaya Gadon on animation for the first time.

2D Animation
3D Animation
Creative Direction
Sound Design

Team credits

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Justin Archer
Isaac Anthony
Yaya Gadon
Justin Archer
Hollye Alexandra

Sketches and style tests

Spee D sketches and style tests

Visual style

Spee D visual style
Spee D visual style

Animation Process
